Treatment Plan
Designing a Treatment Plan
- Hierarchy of Treatment Plan Re-estimations
- How do I quickly change the Phase/Order ID for procedures in the Treatment Plan screen?
- Our provider wants to charge the patient our UCR fees vs. the In-Network fees when the patient uses all their plan maximum. We changed the fees in the treatment plan to our UCR fees but the when posting to the ledger the fees change back to the In-Network
- How do I prepare a treatment plan?
- Some plans we're in network with downgrade certain procedures,like posterior composites. How can we accurately treatment plan these procedures reflecting the correct fee?
- When we input a tooth-specific procedure code into a patient’s Treatment Plan, we are not prompted for a tooth number. What is wrong with our account?
Understanding Fields on Treatment Plan Screen
- Is there a guide to understanding the treatment plan screen?
- We are trying to treatment plan a Class V restoration; the surfaces column is showing more surfaces than we entered. Why is this happening?
- The Treatment Plan, Transaction Entry, and Ledger screens look really similar. How are we able to quickly determine which screen we’re viewing?
- On the Treatment Plan screen, what do the letters in the various columns mean?
- When our office designs a treatment plan, how do we understand the TID, PID, and Ord columns?
- Some of our patients have extensive treatment plans, and we don’t want to see all the procedures. How are we able to see only our desired treatment planned procedures on the screen?
Updating Status of Treatment Plan
- Is there any way to perform a re-estimate for multiple patients at once?
- Our office has an electronic signature pad. Is there a way for our patients to sign the treatment plan using the signature pad?
- I’ve received notification from the patient that a treatment plan has been accepted (or rejected) by the patient. How do I change the status of a procedure in a treatment plan?
- My patient has accepted the treatment plan and has made an appointment. How do I link the treatment plan to the appointment?
- How to create an Appointment from the Treatment Plan screen.
Changing a Treatment Plan
- Procedures attached to a pre-auth cannot be changed until the pre-auth is deleted. How can we remove treatment planned procedures from a patient that were sent to their insurance company for a pre-authorization?
- How do I change the plan, phase, and/or order number of a procedure in a treatment plan?
- We have a Treatment Plan for a patient, and we want to offer an alternative Plan using some of the first Treatment Plan’s procedures. How are we able to copy some of the original Treatment Plan procedures to another Treatment Plan?
Treatment Plan Discounts
- From the Scheduler, How do I quickly identify the patient portion for services scheduled when a discount amount was applied to the treatment plan?
- How can I remove a discount applied to a procedure in the treatment plan screen?
- Our office has setup the ability to apply discounts on Treatment Plan procedures. We indicate a procedure to receive a discount, but we don’t see any discount shown on the Treatment Plan screen. Where will we see the discount applied?
- Our office wants to provide some of our patients who have a treatment plan a discount. How can we offer discounts on treatment plans?
Treatment Plan Reports
- Our patient wants to consider our treatment plan proposal. How do I print a treatment plan for a single patient?
- How can our office make “Treatment Plan Disclosure” the default disclosure statement when generating a treatment plan for printing?
- We want to follow-up with patients who have uncompleted and/or unscheduled treatment plan procedures. How are we able to obtain a list?
- We sometimes need to know which patients have a particular code in the Treatment Plan. Is there a report we can generate which will show us the patients who have a specific procedure code in the Treatment Plan?