A patient’s Treatment Plan provides information regarding necessary treatment to return a patient’s mouth to an improved level of dental health. A Treatment Plan can easily indicate a “roadmap” for the necessary treatment.
The IDs columns represent:
· TID = Treatment Plan ID = everything that is diagnosed for the patient as the "ideal" treatment plan
· PID = Phase ID = the "roadmap" for the TID – In other words, "sequentially, how the dentist suggests that the entire TID should be accomplished"
· Ord = Order ID = a sub-categorization of the PID
The IDs can be considered as:
· TID is the trunk of the tree
· PID is the individual branches of the tree
· Ord is the individual twig of the branch of the tree
The Treatment Plan screen is programmed to reflect the last used TID number, the last PID number, and the last Order number. By doing so, the screen quickly offers a way to "keep going from the last entry."