Denticon is focused on a patient clinical records, not the scheduled appointment.
Nothing that is entered directly into the appointment is added to the treatment plan for final posting to the ledger.
As such, Denticon recommends to work from the patient’s Treatment Plan to the appointment.
If the patient does not yet have an appointment, from the analog Treatment Plan screen:
- Access the patient record
- Access the patient's Treatment Plan screen
- Enter the desired treatment plan procedures
- Checkmark the box(es) of the anticipated appointment procedures
- Click the New Appt button
- Locate the desired date and time for the appointment
- Begin entering the appointment
- Click the Add button in the middle of the screen to add the already-selected treatment planned procedures into the appointment
- Make sure the treating Provider, appointment duration time and Production Type is selected.
- Click the Save button
If the patient does not yet have an appointment, from the graphic Treatment Plan screen:
- Access the patient record
- Access the patient's Restorative Chart
- Access the Treatment Plan tab screen
- Enter the desired treatment plan procedures
- Single-left click the anticipated appointment procedures
- Click the New Appt button
- Locate the desired date and time for the appointment
- Begin entering the appointment
- Click the Add button in the middle of the screen to add the already-selected treatment planned procedures into the appointment
- Make sure the treating Provider, appointment duration time and Production Type is selected.
- Click the Save button
If the patient does have an appointment:
- access the patient record
- access the patient's Treatment Plan screen
- enter the desired treatment plan procedures
- locate the patient's appointment
- right-click the appointment to select the “Edit” option
- single left-click the desired treatment planned procedure(s) in the "Tx Plan" tab at the bottom of the screen
- click the Add button in the middle of the screen to add the selected treatment planned procedures into the appointment
- click the Save button