When trying to delete a payment on the ledger, sometimes we see a delete button. Other times, we see a void button. Why is this?
Is there a guide for understanding the fields displayed on Denticon's Ledger screen?
How are we able to view more than 25 items on the account or patient ledger?
When we entered an insurance payment, it created an AUTO adjustment. We’re unable to delete the adjustment. How do we correct the ledger?
I entered a payment using the wrong payment type. How am I able to correct the error?
Can I make a financial adjustment to the Ledger?
Our office needs to enter an adjustment on an account. How do I know which one to pick?
We have one family member who shows a large credit balance on the ledger while another family member shows a balance due to the office. However, the account balance is $0, so the account really doesn’t owe anything to the office. How can we correct?
Our office posted a procedure, created a claim, and recorded a payment to a wrong provider. How are we able to correct the problem?
We found an error in a patient's ledger that we need to correct. The wrong provider was entered for the services and we have already Closed Out. Is there any way we can still change the provider attached to those services?
A ledger is not correct. The balance due and/or the patient dashboard amounts do not match the ledger’s Aging Grid. How can we correct?
A ledger does not seem correct to us, but the button to reallocate the account is unavailable. How can we know if an account should be re-allocated, or if our office needs to enter manual adjustments?
Our office wants to charge particular accounts a Late Fee, but we do not want to use the Finance Charge option in Denticon. How can we charge a Late Fee to selected overdue accounts?
We have a returned patient check, and our patient has reimbursed the office. How do we record the transactions?
We have been manually using the adjustment codes "Balance Moved To Contract" (ACMVD) and the Periodic Contract Billing (ACBIL). However, they are no longer showing up as an option for selection. Why can I not locate the code?