The fundamental thing to remember is this: all credit card transactions start in Denticon. Therefore, when a credit card transaction must be removed, the transaction correction should always begin in Denticon.
- If the transaction occurred on the current date:
- Click the blue transaction date
- When the Delete button is clicked, the transaction is (1) removed from the Denticon record, and (2) the transaction is auto-voided in TSYS / TransFirst.
- If the transaction occurred in the past (the money is in the dental office’s bank account) and the charge should be fully reversed:
- Access the Transaction Entry screen
- Select the “Payments/Adjustments” tab
- Select the “Adjustment Types” radio button
- Select the “REV PMT - TransFirst CC AutoRF” adjustment (in some accounts, the adjustment is “REV PMT - Credit Card Chg Back”)
- The past credit card transactions appear in the list at the bottom of the screen, indicated as “Select a credit card payment posted using TSYS / TransFirst”
- Select the desired payment (the Amount field will be auto-populated)
- Enter desired notes
- Click the Apply button
- Essentially, this is a credit card transaction in reverse.
- If the transaction occurred in the past (the money is in the dental office’s bank account) and the charge should be partially reversed. This is a two-step process:
- Step 1 –
- Access the Transaction Entry screen
- Select the “Payments/Adjustments” tab
- Select the “Adjustment Types” radio button
- Select the “REFUND - Credit Card” adjustment
- Indicate the desired amount of the partial reversal
- Enter desired notes
- Click the Apply button
- Step 2 –
- Access the office’s TSYS / TransFirst account
- Input the partial reversal directly on the TSYS / TransFirst website
- Step 1 –
Since the credit card transaction has been manually voided on the TSYS / TransFirst website, the Denticon transaction does not relate to an existing TSYS / TransFirst financial transaction. Therefore, the Denticon transaction cannot be deleted.
The office should enter a manual adjustment to financially adjust the ledger balance.