Letter Setup
- We see patients who speak another language (i.e. Spanish) and need a printed document for them. How can we create these resources to print?
- How to Setup Referral Forms
- How to create larger font Consent Letters for easier viewing
- How are we able to control which letters appear for selection?
- Our office is unable to edit a letter even users with administrator rights. Why is this happening?
- How do I add a new letter?
- Do we have to setup the letters in each office?
- How do I make a form or letter capture an electronic signature?
- Do I have to format the letter?
- How do I edit a letter, consent form, or disclosure statement?
- How do I enter a new patient consent form?
- How do we add a new disclosure statement?
- We would like to incorporate a prompt in our letter document so that we’re able to input specific, unique patient-related information. How are we able to input question prompts into our documents?
- How are we able to use our Pick List in patient letters?
- Can we completely remove a letter from the system?
- We have multiple locations in our dental practice. One office can’t seem to locate a letter in the available letters to generate, while other offices have no problem accessing and generating the letter. Why can’t the one office find the letter?
- We have multiple locations in our dental practice. We’ve made several changes to letters in one location. Is there a way to copy the letters from one location to another?
- We want to copy something from Microsoft Word, but get an error message on the screen. How can we copy something into Denticon?
- We have consent forms for treatment which we have signed by the patient before treatment is performed. However, the consent form is not allowing keyboard entry of tooth numbers to the generated letter. How can we ensure the procedure indicates them?
- When we generate a letter for a patient from Print/Letters, question prompts appear. When we generate the letter from Reports/Letters or the Envelope icon, the question prompts do not appear. What is the difference?
- We typed a Custom Letter, but not all the text appears when we print it for a patient. What’s wrong?