Progress Notes
- How can we set up our progress notes to show unique colors for different providers or scenarios?
- When saving notes Progress notes, I get an invalid username and password error message. Why is this happening?
- Tabbing in Macro Notes
- We're unable to edit Progress Notes on the same day they were created. Why is this happening?
- How do I print a list of the patients Pre-Existing conditions?
- How do I enter a progress note?
- From the Scheduler, how can I add enter Progress Notes to my patient’s record?
- How do I create new Notes Macros that are used in patient Progress Notes?
- How do I enter macros for the Progress Notes?
- How are we able to use our Pick List in progress notes?
- How are we able to implement checkmark boxes in our notes macros?
- I need to add a Progress Notes macro to a different category that is not listed. How do I add a new category?
- How do I use the signature pad in the Progress Notes?
- When we go to save a progress note that has been entered we get a prompt saying “Invalid username or password. Please try again.” What do we do?
- A mistake was made on a patient’s Progress Notes. How do I edit the note?
- How can I print my patient's Progress Notes?
- How do we print the Progress Notes for every patient our office saw within a period of time?
- Our office treats patients in treatment facility. The facility requires us to provide a copy of our progress notes. How can we print Progress Notes for all the patients we saw in the facility?