While there is not an option to place a checkmark box into a notes macro, there is a way to emulate boxes and radio buttons.
To enter macros:
- setup
- notes macros
- in the "1. Select Macro Category" field, select the desired category *
- click "Add Macro" button
- input a Name in the "Macro Name" field (this is the name that appears in the selection list in "2. Select Macro")
- input the text in the "Macro Value" field
- if the user should be prompted to input a patient-specific notation within the notes macro
- click the “Add Question” button
- input a short question prompt
- click Save
- click Save
Example question prompts:
Complaint (Choose All that apply):
(@@Pain - X if Yes@@) Pain
(@@Appearance - X if Yes@@) Appearance
(@@Sensitive to Hot - X if Yes@@) Sensitive to Cold
(@@Sensitive to Cold - X if Yes@@) Sensitive to Hot
Diagnosis (Choose One):
(@@Caries - X if Yes@@) Caries
(@@Defective Restoration - X if Yes@@) Defective Restoration
(@@Defective Tooth - X if Yes@@) Defective Tooth