- If the office desires to offer online credit card payments, the office must utilize TSYS or Open Edge for credit card processing.
In order for a Responsible Party to gain access to the Patient Portal, the Responsible Party screen must include several items:
- Click the Edit button in the Responsible Party Information section
- Confirm and/or enter the Responsible Party email (mandatory setting)
- Ensure the checkbox for “Send Statements” is check marked (mandatory setting)
- If the Responsible Party wishes to receive email notification that a statement balance is ready for viewing, ensure the checkbox for “No Email Statements” is not check marked (optional setting)
- Click the Save button
NOTE: In order to access the Patient Portal, the Responsible Party must first register as a user of the Patient Portal on the login screen. Upon signing up for access to the Patient Portal, an email indicating the login password will be sent to the Responsible Party’s email address.
NOTE: The responsible party's email address must be used to access the Patient Portal, the email address listed for the patient will not be considered.