Users may edit/open a New Patient Appointment to send a text or email including the office Online Registration link.
Open the New Patient Appointment and complete the required fields.
If sending an email, enter the patient email address and click the envelope icon/button.
If sending a text, enter the patient mobile number and click the chat icon/button.
*** If the cell or email fields are required but the for whatever reason the information is unavailable, clicking the bypass button and selecting a reason will allow the appointment to be saved without the field being completed.
The standards for text messaging (aka: SMS, which stands for "short message service") were defined in 1985 as part of the "Global System for Mobile Communications" (GSM) series of standards as a means of sending messages of up to 160 characters to and from GSM mobile handsets.
Denticon's programming follows those telecommunication standards.
If a longer message is necessary, the office should consider sending multiple short messages.
Text and Emails sent from here are considered one way. There is no inbox for receiving replies to these messages.