When the office is active to process credit card transactions through TSYS or Open Edge, the patient payment screen will indicate:
· Card Holder name field
· Credit Card # field
· CVV# field
· What is CVV # hyperlink
· Expiration Date field
· A Swipe Card button Launch VX805 button or Launch Open Edge button.
When the office is not active to process credit card transactions through TSYS or Open Edge, the patient payment screen will indicate only:
· Credit Card # field
· Expiration Date field
NOTE: The office is not active for processing credit card transactions through TSYS or Open Edge when TSYS or Open Edge simply approves the office’s financial account.
The necessary activation numbers must be implemented by TSYS or Open Edge into the office’s Denticon account before the office is active to process credit card transactions through TSYS or Open Edge. Only after the activation is completed will the feature become available for the office.