"PMT-AUTO" credit card entries do not send the credit card information to TSYS /Open Edge for processing:
· PMT-AUTO-American Express
· PMT-AUTO-Discover
· PMT-AUTO-Master Card/Visa
Only the "PMT PAT" entries will send the credit card information to TSYS / Open Edge for processing:
· PMT PAT-American Express
· PMT PAT-Debit Card
· PMT PAT-Discover
· PMT PAT-Master Card / Visa
The PMT-AUTO selections are not connected to TSYS / Open Edge for processing. These selections are used only to record recurring charges that are setup by your staff on the TSYS / Open Edge website, and are processed on the TSYS / Open Edge website. The staff should use the PMT-AUTO selections to record something that happened elsewhere, much like a direct deposit. In a direct deposit, the office is not actually handling the financial transaction in the office; it's being handled elsewhere (in the TSYS / Open Edge website).
The swipe card function is available only on the PMT PAT selections -- a clear sign that the transaction will be captured and sent to TSYS / Open Edge for financial processing. Also, the credit card holder’s name, credit card number, CVV, and expiration date fields are present on the screen.
The swipe card function is not available on the PMT AUTO selections -- a clear sign to the user that the transaction entered in Denticon will not reach TSYS / Open Edge for processing. Further, the credit card holder’s name, credit card number, CVV, and expiration date fields are not present on the screen.
To correct:
· click the Transaction date of the PMT-AUTO transaction
· click the Delete button
· re-enter the payment using the appropriate PMT PAT selection so the payment will process to your Tsys/Open Edge financial account