Recurrent payments are those which are being financially generated and handled directly by TSYS / TransFirst. In the office’s TSYS / TransFirst account, the office sets up the financial arrangements. From then forth, TSYS / TransFirst automatically generates the financial transaction.
These transactions that TSYS / TransFirst handle for you must be recorded into Denticon by the office staff using the appropriate AUTO code. The office is recording only that the financial transaction is happening outside of the office, much like a direct deposit entry. Similar to a direct deposit, the office is not actually handling the credit card transaction in your office; it's being handled elsewhere (in the TSYS / TransFirst website).
Here are the payment type codes that are used in this situation:
· PMT-AUTO-American Express
· PMT-AUTO-Discover
· PMT-AUTO-Master Card/Visa
The following credit card payment types are used when the financial transaction is started in Denticon, and needs to be transmitted to TSYS / TransFirst for financial processing. By using these codes, the office staff is (1) recording in Denticon that the office is generating the financial transaction, and (2) transmitting the transaction to TSYS / TransFirst for financial processing.
· PMT PAT-American Express
· PMT PAT-Debit Card
· PMT PAT-Discover
· PMT PAT-Master Card / Visa
The user should notice the distinct screen differences between the AUTO payment types and the "regular" credit card payment types:
· AUTO credit card payment types do not have a "Swipe Card" button on the right of the screen – a clear sign to the user that the transaction entered in Denticon will not reach TSYS / TransFirst for processing
· PMT PAT credit card payment types do have a "Swipe Card" button on the right of the screen – a clear sign to the user that the transaction will be captured and transmitted to TSYS / TransFirst for financial processing
Denticon does not allow TSYS / TransFirst to enter transactions in patient records. Recording any recurring payment information that is setup and generated on the TSYS / TransFirst website must be manually entered as an AUTO payment entry by the dental office staff. The office should review the office’s TSYS / TransFirst account to know what has been automatically processed, and should record that financial activity in Denticon.