The Hygiene Recall dashboard provides actionable insight into how Hygiene Programs are performing and how efficient DSO’s/Offices and Hygienists are retaining patients by establishing trust, building patient relationships and educating patients on the importance of scheduling specific specialized care procedures.
Avg Daily Net Production-Average Net Production per day worked.
Avg Daily Net Production= Net Production divided by Provider Working Days.
Net Production = Gross Production + Production Adjustments
Provider Working Days MTD considers the following:
1. Take Appointment Length of each provider separately
2. Do not consider Cancelled, Blocked & Missed Appointments
3. Total Appointment length on each individual day
• If Total Appointment length <= 4 hours then, 0.5 (Half day)
• Else 1.0 (Full day
Collection as a % of Production-Net collections divided by net production.
Net Collections divided by Net Production x 100
Hygiene Retention Rate % (12 Months)-Retention rate of hygiene patients, defined as those who have a hygiene exam code from the past 12 months and return within a year for services D1110, D1120, or D4910.
Total Count of Distinct Retained Hygiene patients that have transaction of Procedure Code D1120, D4910, D1110 within next 12 months of initial visit divided by Total Count of Distinct Patients with a transaction of Procedure Code D4341, D4342, D1120, D4910, D1110, D4355 on the date Range 12 months ago x 100.
Hygiene Retention Rate % considers the following:
It will consider the Distinct count of Retained Patient, not the Patient Visit count.
Adjunctive Therapy %-Percentage of hygiene patients that have received adjunctive therapy.
Hygiene Patient with Adjunctive Therapy divided by Total Number of Hygiene Patients
Adjunctive Therapy Codes:
Fluoride / Varnish: D1206 or D1208,
Laser (Miscellaneous Perio): D4999 or D7465
Irrigation: D4921,
Arestin: D4381
Hygiene Patient Codes:
D4341, D4342, D1120, D4910, D1110, and D4355
Hygiene Reappointment %-Percentage of patients reappointed with hygiene codes D4341, D4342, D1120, D4910, D1110, and D4355
Avg Daily Net Production vs Daily Goal by Hygienist-Hygienists and their average daily net production: the average net production for services provided by each hygienist per day worked.
Average Daily Net Production of specific provider displaying in a bar chart visualizing the Top 15, Bottom 15 and All Providers.
While hovering over the specific provider bar, Daily Provider Goal, Daily Avg. to Meet Monthly Goal and Avg. Daily Production % to Goal are displayed in Tooltip of the provider.
While selecting Top 15 or bottom 15, if multiple providers contain same Average Daily Net Production value, then it will show more than 15 providers.
Total Hygiene Retention-Hygiene patient retention rate over 12-months, categorized by patient type (Child, SRP, Perio, Prophy).
Hygiene Patient Retention Rate categorized by Patient type. Retention rate of hygiene patients, defined as those who have a hygiene exam code from the past 12 months and return within a year for services of Child/ SRP/ Perio/ Prophy codes.
Patient Types:
Child - D1120
Prophy - D1110
SRP - D4341 or D4342
Perio - D4355 or D4910
Hygiene Patient Codes: D4341, D4342, D1120, D4910, D1110, and D4355
Hygiene Recall Scorecard
Prod Per Visit-Net Production with visits divided by Count of visits.
Net Production (with visits) = Gross Production only considering Visit Codes + Production Adjustment
Count of visits considers the following:
For each day in a date range count how many patients have a visit code in ledger.
Sums up the values of each day to get the visit count for the date range.
Prod Chair Per Hour- Net Production divided by Provider Scheduled Working Days
Net Production = Gross Production + Production Adjustment
Fluoride / Varnish %- Hygiene Patient with Fluoride / Varnish Code divided by Total Number of Hygiene Patients
Fluoride / Varnish: D1206 or D1208,
Hygiene Patient Codes: D4341, D4342, D1120, D4910, D1110, and D4355
Laser %- Hygiene Patient with Laser Code divided by Total Number of Hygiene Patients
Laser (Miscellaneous Perio): D4999 or D7465
Hygiene Patient Codes: D4341, D4342, D1120, D4910, D1110, and D4355
Irrigation %- Hygiene Patient with Irrigation Code divided by Total Number of Hygiene Patient
Irrigation: D4921
Hygiene Patient Codes: D4341, D4342, D1120, D4910, D1110, and D4355
Arestin %- Hygiene Patient with Arestin Code divided by Total Number of Hygiene Patient
Arestin: D4381
Hygiene Patient Codes: D4341, D4342, D1120, D4910, D1110, and D4355
Avg Quad Per Day-Count of Distinct Patient with Quad Code divided by Provider Working Days
Provider Working Days considers the following:
Take Appointment Length of each provider separately
Does not consider Cancelled, Blocked & Missed Appointments
Total Appointment length on each individual day
If Total Appointment length <= 4 hours then, 0.5 (Half day)
Else 1.0 (Full day)
Avg Visits Per Day-Distinct Count of visits divided by Provider Working Days
Perio %- Total Count of Distinct Retained Hygiene patients that have transaction of Procedure Code D4355 or D4910 within next 12 months of initial visit divided by Total Count of Distinct Patients with a transaction of Procedure Code D4341, D4342, D1120, D4910, D1110, D4355 on the date Range 12 months ago x 100
Perio % considers the following:
It will consider the Distinct count of Retained Patient, not the Patient Visit count.