Production Analysis
This report provides insight into how the DSO(s) / Offices / Providers are tracking toward their production goals or identifying which areas are struggling.
Net Production- Total dollar amount produced + any production adjustments.
Net Production vs. Goal-How an office or a provider is trending with net production towards their goal where net production represents total dollar amount produced + production adjustments.
Net Production divided by Goal Amount x 100
Net Production = Gross Production + Production Adjustment
Goal Amount = Daily Goal x Provider Working Day for each provider
Daily Goal = SUM ([Each Month’s Daily Goal] * [Total Provider Working Days for the month]) / [Total Working Days]
Daily goal considers the following:
1. Daily Goal & Total Provider Working Days values that
are configured under Dention’s Setup -> Providers ->
Provider Goals
Daily goal considers the following:
1. Take Appointment Length of each provider separately
2. Do not consider Cancelled, Blocked & Missed
3. Total Appointment length on each individual day
• If Total Appointment length <= 4 hours then, 0.5
(Half day)
• Else 1.0 (Full day)
Daily Average to Meet Monthly Goal-Daily net production needed to meet production goal.
Monthly Goal - Net Production MTD divided by Remaining Provider Working Days.
Additional Conditions:
1. Daily Average to Meet Monthly Goal is always calculated for the current month regardless of
the date range
2. If Daily Goal = 0 then Daily Avg Needed to Meet Monthly Goal will be 0
3. When working day remaining = 0 then working day remaining should be considered 1
4. When Remaining Working Days < 0 then Daily Avg to Meet Monthly Goal would be equal to
Daily Goal.
Avg Daily Net Prod-Average net production per day worked.
Net Production divided by provider working days.
Avg Net Prod/Visit-Average net production per patient visit. Provides insight into whether a decrease in production is caused by the volume of patients seen or by patients accepting less treatment.
Net Production (with visits) divided by count of visits.
Net Production (with visits) = (Gross Production only considering Visit Codes + Production Adjustments).
Count of visits considers the following:
1. For each day in a date range count how many patients
have a visit code in ledger.
2. Sum up the values of each day to get the visit count for
the date range.
Same Day Net Prod-Comparison between the amount actually produced vs the amount scheduled to be produced.
Net Production - Scheduled Production divided by Scheduled Production x 100.
Net Production by Date and Provider Type-Net Production by provider type (dentist and hygienist) trends over time.
Net Production is demonstrated based on each date and provider type over the selected date range.
Production by Procedure Category (drill to ADA code)-Net Production by procedure category sorted from highest to lowest to understand which procedures should be prioritized to meet production goals.
Net Production is demonstrated based on Procedure category and can be drilled down to ADA Code.
Top Insurance Carriers by Net Production-Breakdown of net production by the top 5 insurance carriers and the amount of production they have generated. Distribution for all carriers and no carrier can be found in the details report.
Percentage distribution of top 5 insurance carriers based on net production (considering Patient’s Primary Insurance Plan Carrier).
Scheduled Production
The scheduled production report displays metrics related to scheduled production for a dynamic future date range. This will allow users to see what production has been scheduled and if the amount will allow them to reach their goals by the end of the period.
Scheduled Production-Production from the upcoming appointments that have been scheduled.
SUM of Fee Amount from Appointment Details.
Avg Daily Sch Prod-Average daily scheduled production for the remaining days based on the date selection. Utilized to forecast if trending towards meeting monthly production goal.
Avg Daily Scheduled Production= Scheduled Production divided by Provider Working Days.
Scheduled Production = SUM of Fee Amount from Appointment Details.
Avg Sch Prod/Visit-Average scheduled production per upcoming visit.
Scheduled Production (with visits) divided by Count of visits.
Scheduled Production (with visits) = SUM of Fee Amount from Appointment Details only
considering Visit Codes.
Count of visits considers the following:
1. For each day in a date range count how many patients have a visit code in
Appointment Details
2. Sum up the values of each day to get the visit count for the date range
Avg Sched Prod/Hour-Scheduled production per hour. Utilized to measure efficiency through hourly production rates.
Avg Sched Prod/Hour =Scheduled Production divided by Provider Working Hours.
Scheduled Production = SUM of Fee Amount from Appointment Details.
Provider Working Hours considers the following:
1. Considers appointment length of each provider separately.
2. Do not consider Cancelled, Blocked & Missed Appointments.
3. Considers total appointment length on each individual day in hours.
Scheduled Utilization-Percentage of booked schedule time intervals vs total available time intervals. If utilization is low, run the “Recall Due Report” and “Treatment Plan Status” reports to get patients back onto the schedule.
Provider Scheduled Hours divided by Provider Available Hours x 100.
Provider Scheduled Hours considers the following:
1. Consider Appointment Length of each provider separately
2. Do not consider Cancelled, Blocked & Missed Appointments
3. Consider Total Appointment length on each individual day in hours
Provider Scheduled Hours considers the following (priority order low to high):
1. Consider Provider’s Schedule
2. Take out Enterprise Holiday/PGID Holiday
3. Take out Office Holiday
4. Consider Office Holiday - Office Open Exception
5. Take out Provider Holiday
6. Consider Provider Holiday - In office Exception
Daily Average to Meet Monthly Goal-Daily net production needed to meet production goal.
Monthly Goal - Net Production MTD divided by Remaining Provider Working Days.
Additional Conditions:
1. Daily Average to Meet Monthly Goal is always calculated for the current month regardless of
the date range
2. If Daily Goal = 0 then Daily Avg Needed to Meet Monthly Goal will be 0
3. When working day remaining = 0 then working day remaining should be considered 1
4. When Remaining Working Days < 0 then Daily Avg to Meet Monthly Goal would be equal to
Daily Goal.
Daily Goal- Daily Goal = SUM(Each Months Daily Goal) * [Total Provider Working Days]) /
[Total Working Days]
Daily goal considers the following:
1. Daily Goal & Total Provider Working Days values that are configured under Denticon’s
Setup -> Providers -> Provider Goals
Production to Goal-Shows the sum of net production through previous day and scheduled production in the date range compared to goal utilized to determine if enough opportunities are on the schedule to achieve office's goal.
Net Production till Yesterday + Scheduled Production for the selected date range.
Goal bar is set using the following formula:
1. If selected date range starts and ends in same month - ([Daily Goal for current month]
* [Provider Working Days till Yesterday]) + ([Daily goal for current month] * [Scheduled
working days from Today to the last date of selected date range])
2. If selected date range starts and ends in different month - ([Daily Goal for current
month] * [Provider Working Days till Yesterday]) + ([Daily goal for current month] *
[Scheduled working days Form Today to the last date of selected date range]) + ([Daily
goal for next month] * [Scheduled working days from first date of next month to the last
date of selected date range])
Scheduled Production Today-SUM of Fee Amount from Appointment Details where Date is Today
Scheduled Production Next Working Day-SUM of Fee Amount from Appointment Details where Date is Provider’s Next Working Day from Today.
Scheduled Production Next Provider Working Day considers the following:
1. For multiple providers with different next working day’s (i.e: Provider A’s next working
day is Wednesday & Provider B’s next working day is Thursday) it will consider the next
working day for each provider individually
Scheduled Production for 2nd Working Days-SUM of Fee Amount from Appointment Details where Date is Provider’s 2nd Next Working Day from Today
Scheduled Production 2nd Provider Working Day considers the following:
1. For multiple providers with different next working day’s (i.e: Provider A’s next working
day is Wednesday & Provider B’s next working day is Thursday) it will consider the 2nd
working day for each provider individually.
Production to Goal-Shows a sum of the Production + Scheduled Production compared to goal. Utilized to determine if enough opportunities are on the schedule to achieve goal.
Production to Goal=Net Production till yesterday + Scheduled Production for the selected date range.
Goal bar is set using the following formula:
1. If selected date range starts and ends in same month - ([Daily Goal for current month]
* [Provider Working Days till Yesterday]) + ([Daily goal for current month] * [Scheduled
working days from Today to the last date of selected date range])
2. If selected date range starts and ends in different month - ([Daily Goal for current
month] * [Provider Working Days till Yesterday]) + ([Daily goal for current month] *
[Scheduled working days Form Today to the last date of selected date range]) + ([Daily
goal for next month] * [Scheduled working days from first date of next month to the last
date of selected date range]
Scheduled Production by Date-Scheduled production from the upcoming appointments trending over time with comparison to the current month’s daily average to meet monthly goal.
SUM of Fee Amount from Appointment Details by Date.