Provider Breakdown
This dashboard was designed for an Office Manager or Provider, so they can spend their focus understanding all their providers, what they produce, and identify where they fall short compared to other providers.
Avg Daily Net Production-Average net production per day worked.
Net Production divided by provider working days.
Collections as a % of Production-How an office or a provider is trending with collections as a percentage of net production.
Net Collections divided by Net Production x 100
Case Acceptance %-The rate at which treatment plans that are diagnosed are converted to accepted, scheduled, or completed status.
Case Acceptance Rate= Total count of distinct treatment plans set to Accepted, Scheduled, Completed divided by total count of all diagnosed treatment plans x 100.
Provider Retention Rate (12 months)-The rate at which recare patients are retained. Patients will be considered retained when they have a recare exam code in the same date range 12 months prior and have revisited within past 12 months of the initial visit.
Total Count of Distinct Retained patients that have transaction of Procedure Code D0120 or D0145 within next 12 months of initial visit divided by the Total Count of Distinct Patients with a transaction of Procedure Code D0120 or D0145 on the date Range 12 months ago x 100.
Provider Utilization-Percentage of booked schedule time intervals vs total available time intervals. If utilization is low, run the “Recall Due Report” and “Treatment Plan Status” reports to get patients back onto the schedule.
Provider Working Hours divided by Provider Available Hours x 100.
Provider Working Hours considers the following:
1. Consider Appointment Length of each provider separately
2. Do not consider Cancelled, Blocked & Missed
3. Consider Total Appointment length on each individual day
in hours.
Provider Available Hours considers the following (priority order low to high):
4. Consider Provider’s Schedule
5. Take out Enterprise Holiday/PGID Holiday
6. Take out Office Holiday
7. Consider Office Holiday - Office Open Exception
8. Take out Provider Holiday
9. Consider Provider Holiday - In office Exception
Total Doctor Days-Total number of provider working days.
Provider Working Hours divided by Provider Available Hours x 100.
Total Doctor Days considers the following:
1. Take Appointment Length of each provider
2. Do not consider Cancelled, Blocked & Missed
3. Total Appointment length on each individual day
• If Total Appointment length <= 4 hours then,
0.5 (Half day)
• Else 1.0 (Full day)
Avg Daily Net Production vs. Daily Goal by Providers-How the providers of an office or office group are trending with average net production towards their daily goal.
Average Daily Net Production of specific provider displaying in Bar Chart visualizing the Top 15,
Bottom 15 and All providers.
While hovering over the specific provider bar, Daily Provider Goal, Daily Avg. to Meet Monthly Goal and Avg. Daily Production % to Goal are displayed in Tooltip of the provider.
While selecting Top 15 or bottom 15, if multiple providers contain same Average Daily Net Production value, then it will show more than 15 providers.
Actual vs. Scheduled Production-Comparison between the amount actually produced vs the amount scheduled to be produced.
Actual Production divided by Scheduled Production x 100
Actual vs Scheduled Production amount < 70% → Red
Actual vs Scheduled Production amount >= 70% and < 90% → Yellow
Actual vs Scheduled Production amount >= 90% → Green
Provider Scorecard
Actual vs. Scheduled Production-Comparison between the amount actually produced vs the amount scheduled to be produced.
Actual Production divided by [Scheduled Production x 100
Avg Daily Net Production-See definition above.
Scheduled Production Today- Total dollar amount of procedures on today’s schedule of appointments.
SUM of Fee Amount from Appointment Details where date is today.
Scheduled Production Next Provider Working Day-Total dollar amount of scheduled production for the next working day after today. Ex. If a provider works Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and today is Monday, this will sum the Total Production attributed to appointments on the schedule for Wednesday.
Sum of fee amount from Appointment Details where date is provider’s next working day from today
Scheduled Production Next Provider Working Day considers the following:
For multiple providers with different next working day’s (i.e.: Provider A’s next working day is
Wednesday & Provider B’s next working day is Thursday) it will consider next working day for
each provider individually.
Scheduled Production 2nd Provider Working Day-Total dollar amount of scheduled production for the 2nd working day after today. Ex. If a provider works Monday, Wednesday and Friday and today is Monday, this will sum the total production attributed to appointments on the schedule for Friday.
Sum of fee amount from Appointment Details where date is Provider’s 2nd next working day from today.
Scheduled Production 2nd Provider Working Day considers the following:
For multiple providers with different next working day’s (i.e.: Provider A’s next working day is
Wednesday & Provider B’s next working day is Thursday) it will consider next working day for
each provider individually.
Production/Visit-Net Production (with visits) divided by Count of visits.
New Patients- Distinct Count of Patient IDs where Patient’s First Visit Date is within the
specified Date Range.
Recare Patients-Count of Transactions where Ledger contains procedure code D0120 or D0145
Provider Retention Rate (12 months)- See definition above.
Missed Appointment %- Count of Missed Appt divided by Total Appointments x 100
While calculating Total Appointment Count:
1. Blocked Appointments have been ignored.
Cancelled Appt %-Count of Cancelled Appt divided by Total Appointments x 100
While calculating Total Appointment Count:
1. Blocked Appointments have been ignored.
No Show Appt %- Count of Missed or Cancelled Appts divided by Total Appointments x 100
While calculating Total Appointment Count:
1. Blocked Appointments have been ignored.