Collections Analysis
The Collections Analysis report displays at an Office Group and Office level Gross Collections, Net Collections, and Adjustments to provide a high-level understanding of the breakdown of Collections,
in addition to Collection as a % of Production. This report measures how efficiently Offices are collecting and what insurance carriers are bringing in the most revenue.
Collections as a % of Production-Percentage of net production that has been collected.
Net Collections divided by Net Production x 100
Gross Collections-Total dollar amount collected from patient or insurance payments.
Patient Payments + Insurance Payments collected from patients before adjustments.
Collections Adjustment-Total adjustments applied toward collection.
Adjustments toward Collection Amount (Can be either positive or Negative)
Net Collections-Total dollar amount collected plus collection adjustments. Note: Net collection is represented by the absolute value of calculated result.
Gross Collection + Collection Adjustments
Net Collections by Procedure Category (drill to ADA code)-Collection by procedure category sorted from highest to lowest. Allows office to understand what procedure types have the most collection so users can prioritize which insurance or patients to reach out to collect from.
Net Collection considering Procedure Code Category represents the Net Collections amount based on Procedure Code ADA Category. Also, can drill down to identify a procedure code’s specific Net Collection value.
Top Insurance Carriers-Breakdown of insurance collection and adjustments by top 5 insurance carriers. Distribution for all carriers and no insurance collections can be found in the details report.
Insurance Payment and Insurance Adjustment collections based on Insurance Carrier. The detail report provides the total Count of patients, Insurance Payments and Insurance Adjustments of an Individual Insurance Carrier.
Collections Analysis Scorecard
Avg Days Sales Outstanding-Number of days it will take to collect your total outstanding A/R at the current collection rate.
Avg Days Sales Outstanding = Outstanding AR divided by (Net Collections / Date Range Business Days)
Date Range Business Days = Count of Weekdays (Monday to Friday) within the Date Range
% OTC Collections-Percentage of $ collected for all patients that owed a copay for selected date range. Ex. If a patient owed $200 for their visit and the office collected $180, the OTC% would be 90%.
Patient Payment Amount divided by the Estimated Patient Amount where Patient Payment allocated date = Est Patient Amount Transaction Date.
% OTC Collections considers the following:
1. Patient Payment Allocated Date = Est Patient Amount Transaction Date
2. For Date Range, calculate % OTC for each date separately then use the
cumulative result.
3. Estimated Patient Amount = Fee Amount - Estimated Insurance Amount
% Patient/Gross Collections-Percentage of $ collected attributed to patient portion owed divided by total collections.
Patient Payment Amount divided by Gross Collections.
Outstanding A/R
The Outstanding A/R report displays A/R details as of a specific date so an Office Manager/Provider can view Outstanding A/R for patients.
Total Outstanding A/R-Amount of money that has not been collected as of the date range end date, filtered by transaction office.
Outstanding A/R by Patient vs. Insurance-Breakdown of A/R outstanding by patient and insurance to understand and prioritize collection efforts.
Top Carriers by Outstanding Insurance A/R-Breakdown of outstanding insurance A/R by top 5 insurance carriers based on patient’s primary insurance.
Avg Days Sales Outstanding-Number of days it will take to collect your total outstanding A/R at the current collection rate.
A/R Aging-Shows in time buckets amount 30+, 60+, 90+, 120+ days old to be collected currently by Total amount by Office Group/Office. Has the ability to drill through to the A/R Aging Detail report to
view A/R details by Responsible Party.
Representation of Total Outstanding A/R based on 6 specific time frames. Specified by the duration of
Production amount that has not been collected. Total Outstanding A/R amount is considered based
on the Responsible Party of a specific Office/Office Group level. From the Detail view, Responsible Party
specific A/R Aging details are provided.
Outstanding Claims
The Outstanding Claims report displays claims details as of a specific date so an Office Manager/Provider can view outstanding claims for patients.
Total Outstanding Claims-Amount of money from outstanding insurance claims that has not been collected as of the date range end date filtered by transaction office.
Top Insurance Carriers by Outstanding Claims-Breakdown of outstanding claims by top 5 insurance carriers and the claim amount they have outstanding.
Outstanding Claims by Claims Type-Breakdown of outstanding claim amount by claim types.
Count of Outstanding Claims-Count of outstanding insurance claims as of the date range end date filtered by transaction office.
Claims Aging-Shows in time buckets of 30+, 60+, 90+, 120+ days the amount to be collected from an Open Claim by Office Group/Office and has the ability to drill through to the Claims Aging Detail report to view Claims details by patients.
Representation of Total Outstanding A/R based on 6 specific time frames. Specified by the duration of Production amount that has not been collected.
Total Outstanding A/R amount is considered based on the Responsible Party of a specific Office/Office Group level. From the Detail view, Responsible Party specific A/R Aging details are provided.