There are multiple steps that need to be undertaken by the office so that the operatories can be viewed by the users.
The additional operatories need to be entered:
- Click the word Setup/ Offices and the “Office Setup” option from the drop-down list
- Select the Office
- Click On the Operatories tab
- Click Edit
- Click the Add An Operatory button
- Click the Save button after the operatories are entered
A provider needs to be assigned to the operatory so that the operatory can be selected in the Scheduler View. If multiple providers should have access to the operatory, each provider’s setup must be updated.
- Click the word “Setup” and the “Providers” and “Provider Setup New” options from the drop-down list
- Select the Provider
- Click on the OPS Tab
- Click the Edit button
- On the Operatories tab, highlight the operatory name in the “Available Operatories” field (left side), and use the arrows in the center of the screen to move the operatory to the "Assigned Operatories" field (right side)
- Click the Save button
Each desired user-defined Scheduler View should be updated:
Click the word “Setup” and the “Scheduler View” option from the drop-down list
If no User-View is showing:
- Click the Add New View button
- Input a desired view name
- Select the desired operatories by placing a checkmark in the boxes, and ensure the "Default No. Of Columns" field reads the desired number of operatories
- Click the Save button
If no User-View is showing:
If the desired User-View is showing:
- select the User-View
- Click the Edit button
- select the desired provider/office/operatory and use the > button to assign to the selected user view and use the < button to unassign from the selected view
- click the Save button