An insurance plan may easily be setup to assign a co-pay amount when a patient has completed procedures on a particular day. The co-pay will automatically apply once per appointment – no worries about the fee “slipping through the cracks” by not getting added to the ledger.
Several easy steps are required.
Step 1: Ensure a procedure code is setup for the per visit co-pay
- click the word “Setup”
- choose the “Procedure Codes” and “Procedure Codes” options from the drop-down list
- within the “Other” category, review the available codes for an already entered code (example code: ZD004 – Office Visit Co-Pay)
- if no office visit Z-code exists:
- click the Add New Code button
- enter the Description (example: Office Visit Co-Pay)
- enter the code (recommended as a Z-code; example ZD004)
Step 2: Set the Denticon account to utilize the new procedure code
- click the word “Setup”
- choose the “Account Info” option from the drop-down list
- click the Edit Account button
- within the “Options” section, indicate the procedure code in the “Per Visit Co-Pay Code” field
- click the Save button
Step 3: Add the co-pay amount to the applicable insurance plan(s)
- click the word “Setup”
- choose the “Insurance” and “Insurance Plans” options from the drop-down list
- search for the desired insurance plan
- select the desired insurance plan
- click the Edit Plan Info button
- in the “Per Visit Co-Pay” field, indicate the co-pay amount
- click the Save button
When a procedure is posted to the Ledger, Denticon will automatically post the co-pay transaction. The posted co-pay transaction will appear only once per visit.