To prepare:
You should have a zipped folder that contains the install files. If you need the install package please reach out to us.
You will have to remotely control the computer that will be capturing the xrays or be there in person. Make sure you have administrator priviledges and log into Windows with those.
- Copy the installation folder to the c:\ (root directory) of the computer.
- Right click, and extract the contents.
- Once complete, right click on the Deploy batch file and select "Run as administrator". This will start the script in the batch file. When prompted for using the default configuration, select "Yes". Create the shortcut on the desktop when prompted.
- Go to C:\Dentiray Capture\Extensions to see if there are executibles (.exe) files to run. If there are files there, right click on each separately and "Run as administrator".
- Once complete, log into and setup single sign-on and the imaging systems. To do this go to Setup > Offices > Office Setup. Pick the correct location for your office. Click on Edit. Go to the Integration tab. You will setup both of the imaging systems as displayed.
- Imaging System > X-Ray System, select Apteryx XrayVision DCV.
- Imaging System 2 > Dentiray Web. Username: and Password: Here you will need to enter the credentials that were entered into the (pgid) website, then changed to a private password. (Enter link to article with instructions here.)
- Save the Office Setup.
- Attach a sensor if that is what you are testing. Most panoramic equipment will be ready to go. Make sure it is on.
- Pull up a test patient in Denticon. Click on the tooth within a square
This will open up Dentiray Capture. Click on Capture Images. Dentiray Capture will have the information from the test patient copied to the appropriate fields. Verify the patient information. Click Capture Images. This will bring up the list of imaging devices (extensions) that are available.
- Select the device. The following steps will be determined by the device.
- Once you have captured an image, go back to Denticon.
- Click on the icon next to the tooth with the square.
This should bring up the images in XVWeb. This means that the images successfully forwarded to your "cloud" imaging server or (pgid)