The top reasons why a direct scan may fail:
- filename has a forbidden character such as ~ ` ! @ # $ % ^ & * + ? /
- the filename has additional periods (.) within the filename [example: SmithXray1.25.2012.jpg]
- filename is too long; it has more than 25 characters
- filename has invalid extension; only .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .png and .pdf are allowed
- file is larger than 10MB
- scanner does not have Twain driver, so cannot scan directly into Denticon
- scanner is not connected to the computer via wired cable, wireless, or USB port
- scanner is not turned on
The top reasons why a document upload may fail:
- filename has a forbidden character such as ~ ` ! @ # $ % ^ & * + ? /
- the filename has additional periods (.) within the filename [example: SmithXray1.25.2012.jpg]
- filename is too long; it has more than 25 characters
- filename has invalid extension; only .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .png and .pdf are allowed
- file is larger than 10MB