Each person using the time clock feature must be a unique user in Denticon.
Before an Employee can use the Time Clock, the user’s Time Clock fields must be completed –
· Click the word “Security” and choose the “Users” option from the drop-down box
· Click the Edit button
Select the Time Clock Tab
· Update the following fields for each User who will be using the time clock:
o Time Clock Pay Rate
o also known as “regular” pay rate
o also known as “regular” wage rate
o base hourly pay rate for regular working hours
o Time Clock Overtime Method
o (D)aily – enter “D” if the user is paid over time, based on an “over 8 hours a day” basis
o (Weekly) – enter “W” if the user is paid for over time, based on an “over 40 hours in a week” basis
o Time Clock Overtime Rate
o also known as “overtime” pay rate
o also known as “overtime” wage rate
o base hourly pay rate for over time working hours
· Click the Save button