Denticon’s recall system tracks only the specific procedure codes which are indicated as recallable in the procedure code setup.
The recall system will not auto-update the recall information for one procedure code if a different recallable procedure is posted as completed to the Ledger.
The office staff will need to manually enter a recall due date for the desired non-posted procedure.
If the D0150 is a recallable procedure code:
- Upon posting the procedure code to the Ledger, Denticon will update the Recall Due Date based on the recall interval setup in Setup>Procedure Codes>Procedure Codes
- The user should manually enter the next Recall Due date in the “Recall Due Date” field for the D0120 procedure code
- Remove the Recall Due Date for D0150 procedure code
If the D0150 is not a recallable procedure code and recallable procedures are posted:
- The user should manually enter the next Recall Due date in the “Recall Due Date” field for the D0120 procedure code