Users can re-estimate an individual patient's treatment plan via the re-estimate button on treatment plan screen. This is an important step to take if there have been any changes to the patient's attached fee schedule or their coverage/benefits on the insurance plan.
Tips and best practices:
At this time there is no way to re-estimate treatment plans for patients in bulk, it is a process that must be done individually. It's important to note fee schedule changes (increases, decreases) do not retroactively change procedures that are already entered. To address this we recommend making sure the "Re-estimate at Posting" box is checked, this can be found by going to the treatment plan and clicking the blue diagnosis date of the treatment.
If changes to the fee schedule or fee schedule assignment have been made, when posting the services to the ledger it from the treatment plan it will automatically re-estimate to the correct fees if this box is checked. This is a key reason that Denticon does not advocate to post procedures from the appointment book. Instead, we advocate to re-estimate the procedures in the Treatment Plan screen first, then post the procedures from the Treatment Plan screen. That way, the current applicable fees are reported to the patient's ledger.