As the “Assign Benefits to Patient” relates to insurance claims:
- if a patient does not have "Assign Benefits to Patient" and the office e-claim - the insurance claim will appear on the batch claims processing screen in the Outstanding E-Claims section
- if a patient has "Assign Benefits to Patient" and the office e-claims- the insurance claim will appear on the batch claims processing screen in the Outstanding E-Claims section
- if a patient does not have "Assign Benefits to Patient" and the office paper-prints claims- the insurance claim will appear on the batch claims processing screen in the Outstanding Paper Claims section
- if a patient has "Assign Benefits to Patient" and the office paper-prints claims- the claim does not appear on the batch claims processing screen
Regarding the “paper-print” section of the "batch claims processing" screen, this is intended for the office to generate claims for patients which do not have "Assign Benefits to Patient" within the Patient Information screen. This is because the office does need to generate a claim for the patient in order for the patient to receive the insurance reimbursement.
If the patient has “Assign Benefits to Patient” and the insurance carrier indicates “paper claim,” the office should immediately generate a single insurance claim for the patient to sign and mail. Due to the immediate action for a generated claim, the batch claims processing screen will not generate a claim in the paper-claim section.