Whenever a payment contract is setup for recurring credit card charges via TransFirst/TSYS, the Denticon-to-TransFirst payment integration is programmed to ensure only valid financial transactions appear in the Ledger.
This is true for both payment plan contracts:
- regular payment plan
- ortho payment plan
When the user accesses these screens to Post Periodic Charges, Denticon and TransFirst communicate to each other regarding the validity of the credit card payment:
- Utilities / Generate Regular Payment Plan Charges
- Utilities / Generate Ortho Payment Plan Charges
When a periodic payment is not posted to the Ledger from the Utilities screen, the office is advised:
- Place the mouse cursor over the “Val” (Validation) error icon in order to understand the reason why TransFirst will not process the credit card payment
- Contact the affected patient for alternate payment arrangements
If a different credit card is supplied to the office:
Users can remove an existing credit card from the Regular or Ortho Payment Plan to convert the plan to cash by clicking or replace with a different card supplied by the patient by clicking .
The User has 2 options to enter the Payment Plan Screen.
Access the Patient Overview Screen
- Option 1: Click 'Patient'>>'Payment Plan'>>Select 'Regular' or 'Ortho'
- Option 2: In the Payment Agreement Section on the Patient Overview Screen
- Click 'View' Regular or Ortho Plan>>Click Details
Please Note: Once the credit card details are removed from a contract, the details cannot be restored.
The “Remove Card” button is enabled when a credit card is on file.