- Click the word “Transactions” and choose the “Capitation Payment” option from the drop-down box.
- Select the appropriate carrier.
- Select a credit card payment code.
The payment detail fields will display for credit card transactions.
After the transaction, the amount will display on the ledger for Responsible Party
- Click the Apply button, and confirm the payment.
A message will appear at the top of the screen indicating the successful posting of the payment.
To check the details of all capitation payments from this screen, click on the Go To Capitation Ledger button.
To access the details of all capitation payments at a later time, access the Ledger for “Account, Capitation” where “Account” is equal to Last Name and “Capitation” is equal to First Name.
Setting up new payment code may be required.
Administrators will need to set up a new payment code at Setup > Payment/Adjustment Types:
• Click [+ Add New Type]
• Enter a code
• Enter a description
• Type = Payment
• Sub Type = Credit Card
• Sign = - (minus)
• Class = Capitation Payment
• Click [Save]