Ensure the Excel spreadsheet has the exact codes in the same listing order as that is found in Denticon. The import will not work if there are fewer codes in the spreadsheet than in Denticon, more codes in the spreadsheet than in Denticon, or different codes in your spreadsheet that are not in Denticon.
There should be two fee columns in the Excel file – one for Patient, another for Insurance. A sample Excel spreadsheet is available via the word “Utilities” and choosing the “Fee Schedule Excel template” option from the drop-down box.
A spreadsheet file with UCR/Office fees spreadsheet should have fee amounts in the Patient column, and zeros in the Insurance column.
A PPO spreadsheet file should have fee amounts in the Patient column, and zeros in the Insurance column.
A Managed Care spreadsheet file should have fee amounts or blank fields in both the Patient and the Insurance columns.
Before importing the Excel data into Denticon, ensure the correct corresponding “Fee Schedule Type” is selected.
Fee Schedule Wizard
Users can still add one the traditional way. But the wizard guides the User through setup and assignment. The wizard was designed to help reduce setup errors.
The wizard leads the User through:
• Schedule Type
• Offices (all or specific)
• Providers (all or specific)
• Adding the Fee Schedule (copying from an existing schedule, importing an Excel file, or entering