NOTE: More information about each of the below listed items may be found in the KnowledgeBase.
Denticon highly recommends to “close out” the data each month in order to:
- ensure that staff is not able to financially manipulate past transactions
- ensure financial integrity of the recorded transactions data
- ensure that monthly and yearly reports will be consistent Denticon's “Close Out” function is performed via:
- Click the word “Setup” and choose the “Close Out” option from the drop-down list
- Using the calendar Date Selector icon, choose the desired “New Closing Date”
- Click the Close Out button
NOTE: Multi-location organizations are able to close out all locations at once by checkmarking the “Close All Offices” box before clicking the Close Out button.
Denticon recommends these monthly reports for December, the last month of the year:
- Reports / Monthly Reports / Aging Report>Detail (if the organization is a single location organization)
- Reports / Monthly Reports / Aging by Home Office (if the organization is a multi-location organization)
- Reports / Insurance Reports / Outstanding Claims> Select Claims
- Reports / Insurance Reports / Outstanding Claims>Pre-Authorzation
- Reports / Recall Reports / Recall due>/ No Recall Date/Not Scheduled Report
- Reports / Postcard / Recall Postcards> Recall Due/Overdue but not schedule
- Reports / Postcard / Recall Postcards for Schedule Recall
- Reports / Treatment Plan Reports / Treatment Plan Status Report
- Reports / Daily Reports / Deposit Slip-Credit Card (to reconcile monthly credit card transactions)
- Reports / Insurance Reports / Capitation Utilization - Detail (if the office is a Managed Care/capitation/DHMO office)
Denticon recommends to generate this report for year-end information:
- Reports / Monthly Reports / Executive Summary
NOTE: Some reports have only one date available for the “Report Date” field. Denticon recommends to generate these reports for the default date in order to obtain “right now” information on the report. For reports which have a date range available, Denticon recommends that the office generate the reports for the desired date range.
- Denticon’s team will reset insurance benefits on at the first of the calendar year
- NOTE: The dental organization is responsible for resetting benefits in the “setup / close out” screen for months February through December.
- Denticon provides written guidance in the Help Portal about a new year’s ADA code changes.
- NOTE: It is the responsibility of the dental organization to implement each year’s ADA code changes.
- If the dental organization desires to update the office UCR fee schedule, yet retain an archived copy of the previous year’s fee schedule, the organization is advised to consult the Help Portal for written guidance. Please search the Help Portal KnowledgeBase for the phrase “archived fees” for information.