Ensure the patient has a treatment plan on file.
Single-right click the patient’s appointment. Choose the selection “Set as Checked Out” to change the appointment status icon to H for checked out.
The user’s screen should redirect to the Patient Window, to show the Transaction Entry screen. This screen shows the current day’s financial transactions.
To change to the Treatment Plan screen, click the Treatment Plan icon in the picture toolbar.
Click the box for the procedure(s) that should be posted for financial responsibility to the patient.
Click the Post to Ledger button.
The user’s screen will redirect to the Transaction Entry screen to show the posted procedure(s).
If a patient portion is due, the user should collect the payment.
If the procedures are able to be claimed to an insurance carrier for reimbursement, a claim can be generated through the Create Claim button or through Utilities / Batch Claims Processing. Please consult the Insurance Claims section for more assistance with the generation and processing of claims (Help / Online Library / Insurance Claims).
The patient’s Treatment Plan screen is updated to show the completion of the procedure. It is greyed out to indicate that the procedure has already been used, and cannot be used another time.