Recall Dates
- As I'm checking out a patient, I would like to view the patient recall history. How can I do this without navigating away from the patient/account ledger?
- What is the most efficient way to ensure our recall appointments and reports are correct when posting?
- What are “First Visit”, “Last Visit”, “Recall Due Date” and “Scheduled Recall Date” on the patient’s Edit Recall Due Dates screen? How are they obtained?
- How may we manually enter a recall due date for a patient?
- I have an existing patient whom I want to place on the recall schedule for a particular date. Can I manually alter the First and Last Visit dates, and the Recall Due date?
- We saw a patient today for D0150. The patient needs to be recallable for D0120 instead of D0150. How do we ensure the patient is recallable for the desired procedure code?
Procedural Recalls
- I need to generate a report to know how many patients our office has seen for a particular procedure code. How can I get a report to know this?
- I need to follow up with my patients who have had difficult procedures done such as root canals or extractions. How do I get a report to know who I need to contact?
Non-Dental Recalls
- Our office offers an office-based dental program to our patients. We need to keep track of the annual renewal date. How do we generate a report to understand which patients should sign a new contract, and/or renew the annual membership?
- Our office treats children in schools. Each school year, our office needs a new consent form completed by the parent/guardian. Is there a report which can let us understand which children need a newly completed consent form?