This guide is intended to walk you through how to set up Kavo's GX Picture driver software to run these sensors for compatibility with Dentiray Capture/XV Capture/Xrayvision. NOTE: Windows Professional Edition required.
***For GXS700/Dexis Platinum Sensors you will need the Correction Files provided by the manufacturer. They are included on a disc or flash drive that comes with the sensors. If you are a former Dexis Software user, they can often be located under C:\Program Files (x86)\Dexis\Flashdir. The Flashdir directory can be copied and renamed to GXS700_CorrectionFiles. If the corrections files cannot be located, the client will need to reach out to Kavo to obtain them again.
1. Browse to and download "GXPicture (Web Installer)"
2. Extract and run the executable contained within the zipped folder
3. When the Kavo Manager appears, under Add Features, you need to download the following 3 items.
1. IO Sensor Driver for Kavo IXS
2. Legacy Driver for GXS700
3. GX Picture
(These three items may start downloading automatically. If not you'll need to click download next to each one)
4. After downloading, install the IO Sensor Driver and Legacy Driver BEFORE installing GX Picture or the sensors will not be selectable during the GX Picture installation.
5. Install GX Picture
5a. When installing GX Picture Filters - Select Other Software - with Filters Enabled
5b. When selecting the devices - Select GXS700/Dexis Platinum and/or Kavo IXS/Dexis Titanium depending on if you are installing for one, the other, or both.
*If you do not see the sensor type you are installing for in the list, close the GX Picture setup, return to the Kavo Manager and ensure that the Sensor Drivers are installed first.
5c. When selecting which filters to install, your selection should match the previous selection, GXS700/Platinum, IXS/Titanium or both
5d. (For Platinum/GXS700 Sensors Only) - When GX Picture indicates it needs to reboot - Leave GX Picture open to that screen and then open File Explorer and copy the correction files for the GXS700/Platinum Sensors to C:\Program Files (x86)\Gendex\GXS700_CorrectionFiles. If this folder does not exist you will need to create it. The folder name must match exactly to "GXS700_CorrectionFiles".
6. Reboot the computer with GX Picture prompt to reboot. (This will also apply folder permissions to the corrections files folders which is why it's important to copy them before rebooting)
*The Kavo IXS / Dexis Titanium sensors will copy their own corrections files over AFTER the reboot once the sensor is connected via GX Picture. Do not unplug the sensor while the correction files are copying. There will be a progress bar on the screen.
7. After rebooting the computer, right click on the sensor icons in the system tray and select Image Settings. In the Image Settings window, select the optimizer to turn on the image optimizer for optimal quality images. This can be enabled for both GXS700/Platinum and IXS/Titanium sensor types.