Task Manager is a monitoring program, which is used to provide information about the ongoing and past processes of work cycle.
Denticon Task Manager
Denticon Task Manager is a cloud based task managing software, which comes along with Denticon. Denticon Task Manager can display currently running tasks as well as those that are closed. It also can show the full history from task creation to task completion.
In a brief, the following features Denticon Task Manager provides:
1. Create different types of tasks
2. Create batch tasks or single tasks – based on the type
3. Monitor ongoing task
4. View full history of every task
5. View the tasks that are currently assigned to user
6. Change task assignee after task is completed
7. Automatically close a task, when related process is closed/deleted
There are two types of users who can access Denticon Task Manager:
1. Regular User: Regular users are only able to monitor and update the tasks assigned to him/her
2. Supervisor User: Supervisor users are able to monitor and update the tasks of all users of that PGID
Access Rights
There are different access rights to access different features of Denticon Task Manager:
1. Create Task: If this access right is enabled, the user will be able to create task: Utilities - Task Manager - Create Task
2. Delete Task: If this access right is enabled, the user will be able to delete task: Utilities - Task Manager - Delete Task
3. Access Task Manager: User will be able to open Denticon Task Manager: Utilities - Task Manager - Access
4. Supervisor: With this access right enabled (Utilities - Task Manager - Supervisor User), User can:
a. Access Dashboard and Settings screen of Denticon Task Manager
b. Create/Update task Actions in Settings screen
c. Filter tasks by all users of that PGID
d. View task count by Task Status and Users in Dashboard
Task Type
There are three types of tasks in Task Manager:
1. Outstanding Claim
2. Outstanding Pre-Auth
3. Patient AR Follow-Up
Create Task
Outstanding Claim
Create Task for Outstanding Claim or Pre-Auth
- Go to Reports > Insurance Report
- Select Outstanding Claim Report or Outstanding Claim Report for Provider. To run for Outstanding Pre-Auth, select the option for pre-authorization instead of claim.
- Click on Create Task button
- Create Task dialog will be opened
- Click on Yes to create tasks, No to close the dialog
Create Task for single Claim
1. Go to Claim Details screen
2. Click on Create Task button
Auto Close Claim
When a Claim is closed/deleted, if there is any task associated with this Claim, that task is automatically closed
Reopen deleted task
Deleted tasks can be reopened from Create Task dialog
Patient AR Follow-Up
Create Patient AR Follow-Up Task
- Go to
a. Reports -> Monthly Reports, or
b. Reports (old) -> Group Reports -> Management Reports, or
c. Reports -> Office Reports -> Hawaii Family Dental Reports
- Select Aging Report by Home Office, and select to run by Patient Receivables
- Click on Create Task
Open Task Manager
- Log into Denticon and click on the Task Manager icon in Menu bar
- Log into Denticon and from Utilities > Launch > Task Manager
Task Manager window will be opened
Patient AR Follow-Up Task
1. Click on Patient AR Follow-Up to see Patient AR Follow-Up tasks
Select Task
2. Click a row to select a task
3. Click multiple row to select multiple task
Sort Tasks
Click on column header to sort by that column
Update Task
1. Select one/multiple task(s) and click on Update Task button
2. Update Task dialog will be opened
Change Priority
Change Status
Change Assignee
Change Due Date
Change Action
Add notes
Update task from “Claim Details” screen
If a task has been created against a claim, from the “Claim Details” screen of that claim, the “Update Task” button will be displayed if the task has not been closed or deleted. Clicking on the “Update Task” button will enable the user to update that task.
Update task from “Ledger” screen
If a Patient AR Follow-up task has been created Task Manager against a Responsible Party, and if the task has not been closed or deleted, the “Update Task” button will be displayed when the Ledger screen is accessed. Clicking on the “Update Task” button, the user will be able to update that task.
Context Menu
Right click on a task item to open context menu
View Task History
1. Right click on a task item
2. Click on Task History
Task History dialog will be opened:
View Task History from “Claim Details Screen”
Task history of an outstanding claim type task can also be seen from claim details screen
Edit Action Note
Click on the pen icon beside Note
Edit Note dialog will be opened. Edit the note and click on OK to update note.
Delete Task
Delete Task dialog will be opened
Click OK button to delete selected tasks, Cancel to close the dialog
Search Tasks
Search Task for Outstanding Claim
Search tasks by Patient Name or Carrier Name. Enter search text in the Search Box and click the Enter key on the computer keyboard, or click on the search icon.
Search Task for Patient AR Follow-Up
Search tasks by Responsible Party Name or Responsible Party ID for Patient AR Follow-Up tasks
When the Clear button is clicked, the text of search box will be cleared
Filter Tasks
Click on the Filters sections to collapse down task filters:
Filter by Action
To filter tasks by Action, Change Action from action dropdown
Filter by Status
To filter tasks by Status, Change Status from action dropdown
Filter by Assigned to
To filter tasks by Assigned To, Change Assigned To from action dropdown
1. "Assigned To will be only available to Supervisor user
2. Multiple users can be selected.
Multiple Filter
All Filters, Search, and Sort options can be put together
Click on the dashboard icon to open Dashboard
1. Filter dashboard task count by age of Due Date. Click on Filter button to open the filter.
2. Enter Age in days (0-365) by which tasks to be filtered based on their Due Date
3. Press Enter or click on Filter button
4. Click on a row to expand it and see details of task assigned to that user by Status:
5. Each of the details are clickable and hyperlinked:
6. On clicking this hyperlinks, it filters tasks in home screen:
Click on the settings icon to load Settings screen:
1. Task Type
2. Task Action (Editable)
Click a row to view the list of Task Actions
3. Task Status
Add Task Action
Click on the + sign beside Task Type to add a Task Action under this type
Put action details and click on OK button to save:
Edit Task Action
Click on the pen icon at the end of Task Action description to edit that action:
Delete Task Action
Click on the bin icon at the end of Task Action description to delete that action
To go to Task Manager Report, click on report icon
Click on “Print/Preview” button to generate reports
Click on Export to PDF to download report as PDF file
Click on Export to Excel, to download report as Excel file