Conversion client - Denticon Setup Homework
Per our training you will customize your Denticon program via the “SET UP” submenu option. MANDATORY THAT THE COMPUTER BEING USED TO CAPTURE DATA TO BE CONVERTED HAS A MINIMUM OF INTENET EXPLORE 8 OR 9 LOADED!!!!
For multi-office practices enter the 1st office completely first, including all the information in the Setup drop down prior to adding a second or third location. When you add the second, third, etc offices you will have the option to copy fields from the first completely set up office (avoiding re-keying).
“Set Up” - Customize your Denticon program in this order:
Offices – Actual Office Name (only enter the 1st office to go live first. We recommend you do not enter additional offices until you’ve completed the Set Up for your initial office location.)
- Second tab - Create statement messages (should you choose to use this option)
- Third tab -Name operatory with names or numbers (these names will appear on top of the columns in the scheduler) – the names should mimic your former PMS
- Enter 2011 office holidays (or any dates when the appt scheduler should be closed)
- Last tab - Reduce “Procedures” – from “assigned” to “available”, for any procedures not routinely performed; select unused code (assigned category) and click arrow moving code to the left (available category). Do not use the delete key – just slide from the right to the left and visa versa
- Groups - prior to adding any add’l offices in Setup Offices, edit and customize your security groups;
- Users - (create user name for staff person), select days of the week, hours of the day a particular user requires access; enter an email address for each user
- Settings (assign users to a security group)
- Users Per Office, be sure all user are in START UP SCREEN defaults to patient search (not scheduler)
- Enter each provider, include their credential info such as dental license #, NPI, DEA, Tax ID
- Assign the provider to the offices he/she will treat in
- Schedule – enter hours as to when this provider is available for patient care
- Holiday – enter any doctor days off and exceptions to each particular doctor schedule
- Assign Ops to providers
Procedure Codes
- Add or edit any Explosion Codes your practice routinely uses
- Add any “z” codes that may not already be available (i.e. Zoom whitening)
Insurance Plans
- Create Insurance Plans, add Carriers and Employers as needed (do not attach a plan to a patient until after the live data conversion)
Scheduler views
- Create an “All Provider” or “All Ops” view;
Fee Schedules
- Office Default – “edit” and enter your UCR fees;
- Any PPO plan fee schedules need to be set up as a “PPO” type
- Any HMO / Managed Care plans require being set up as a “Managed Care/HMO” type fee schedule;
- Attach PPO fee schedules to Carriers;
- Attach HMO fee schedules to a Plan;
- Providers (specialty doctors)
Medical Setup (customize/edit)
- Alerts and Dental and Medical Questionnaires
Collection Agencies
- Enter any collection agency you currently use
- Edit, Add or Delete prescriptions as required
- Add one or more labs you routinely use
Payment Types
- Adjustment Types (add any adjustment/pymt types not already available)
Misc. Setup
- Patient Types
- Responsible party types
- Referral types
- Insurance Plan Reporting Subtypes
- Scheduler Production Types
Electronic Claim Registration Setup
- Register for DentalXchange (our eclaims clearing house) via your “My Account” page
Computer Set Up (system requirements)
Please review the “minimum system requirement” document. It is mandatory that any system running Denticon have the latest version of Adobe Reader and Internet Explorer (can be downloaded free in our Help icon), as well as confirm and are entered as trusted web sites, and that pop up blockers are turned off.
Internet Explorer: a current version of Microsoft's Internet Explorer (no more than 3 versions old)
Desktop short cut: go to (right click to create a shortcut)
Practice / office logo: Provide Sue with a copy of the practice logo at;
Remember to review and sign your Conversion Check List and fax back to Sue prior to your live date
Do not enter any patient information prior to your conversion as the conversion upload will cover it. The SET UP dropdown, data entry will not be impacted by the conversion upload. Be sure to record (track) any appointments, transactions, etc done in your former system after the live data extraction, this information will need to be manually keyed into Denticon.